miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2020

 Hi! You got it! The end of the term is here. Now is time to rest and enjoy at home with your family. Nevertheless if you feel bored you could, just for a few minutes, play some online game in which you can review the countries and capitals in Europe. Focus on those that belong to the European Community.

Here you have a map to check out.

You can also use some of the online games to practice, as for example, this link (click on it):


domingo, 6 de diciembre de 2020

 Good afternoon:

I know you want to rest, but just a bit more effort, the final sprint, just a tiring week more, and we can have the feeling of holidays.We all deserve them.

As you are doing the project of the map with Capes, Gulfs, and tributaries of the spanish rivers, I hang here the ones you have to remember for sure, from all of the ones you are locating.

You also have the main terms related to rivers and whose definitions must be understood by you. See the glossary or search in google for them.

martes, 1 de diciembre de 2020


Here you have the template to work the technique of Perspective, to draw and colour in different colour-schemes. This way we will find the feeling of depth related to perspective. It is the work for the next class os ARTS.

Os dejo aquí la plantilla de referencia de las figuras geométricas que vamos a proyectar en perspectiva y colorear en distintas tonalidades para imprimirles esa sensación de profundidad que la perspectiva persigue recrear. (También os dejo el resultado final a color, para que os oriente). Lo haremos en la próxima sesión de ARTS, tal y como ya vimos y comentamos. 

 Good afternoon:

As I told you this morning, this time you have to do two exercises about the second conditional from the Activity book. Some classmates have already done one of them, but I want to check out that every one has really solve it and corrected it. As you could have forgotten the Activity book at home, here you have the exercises (I am going to review them next Thursday, 3/12) :

  We are almost finishing, it´s only a final effort, just a few more work on studies and self-control and you´ll got it!.... In ARTS we are ...