martes, 24 de noviembre de 2020

 Hi!, the exam  of Reproduction is soon. Don´t worry, it´s not difficult. Just short questions. Nothing to do with long writings... but, DON´T FORGET: STUDY WITH A PEN !

Today we have here some more interesting information

It complements all the contents that we have already seen in the classroom: (click on each word to discover it).

(Don´t do the questions 7 , 8 and 9 because they belong to another content, the topic of Health).


domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2020

 Ups! I almost forgot I told you I was going to show you the fingerspelling alphabet for deaf people, now that we have started to study a Unit relating to COMMUNICATION. The picture below corresponds to the alphabet for deaf (hand drawn on the left of each letter) and deafblind people (hand on the rigth). 

Click on the picture to play a game.


For all of you that need to do extra practice with the verbs in GERUND versus INFINITIVE, I hang in here a link with online (and PDF) exercises, and also a clarifying list to add to the one that you have in your classbooks. Click on the list picture below to go to the exercises:

 Hi! For you to remember...

YOU MUST START STUDYING THE MAP OF SPANISH PROVINCES AND AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITIES, this way you can practise a lot before the proper examn. Here you have a picture of both.

 Another reminder...the list of Irregular verbs TO LEARN BY HEART!

lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2020


Warning: ATTENTION! I hang in here the rules of the Christmas Card Certamen, so we can  participate in the competition. We are using only one session of Arts to produce it. And we will choose the three cards that are going to be presented in each group. So, on the next FridayNovember the 20thyou have to bring to the classroom all the materials that you think you are going to use to do the Xmas card.

On the other hand, here below you have an example of a picture belonging to the Impressionism

Impressionism is a style of painting that was developed in the late 19th century. The style, methods, and topics of Impressionism rejected previous "historical" painting, replacing carefully hidden brushstrokes of historical events with visible thick bright colours of modern scenes.

We are focusing on this use of thick brigth colours, and that´s what you have to reproduce, to paint as they said: `spontaneously on the spot´, covering all the picture I gave you, specially the area of the sea. You can use whatever material you want/have, that´s to say, tempera, acrilico, (in this case you need tissues to wash up, as we cannot clean the brushes in the toilets because of the pandemic),  or crayons (Manley crayons are very good for this task). Remember you are going to have two sessions to finish it.

domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2020

 Hi kids! Here you have the foto of the document we need about the use of technologies at home. Some of you have already filled it up. Don´t forget to send it to the institutional e-mail of your tutor.

Recordad que necesitamos tener relleno el documento sobre los medios tecnológicos en el hogar. Alguno de vosotros ya nos lo habéis rellenado y enviado, pero si aún no lo habéis hecho, aquí os dejamos su foto para que nos lo podáis enviar al correo institucional de cada tutora: (pincha en la imagen para acceder mejor)

martes, 10 de noviembre de 2020

 Good afternoon kids: 

Now we are starting again the Natural Science matter and this time we´ll study about a content kids of your age usually like to learn. To reinforce the lessons we have already watched in the classroom we keep here a picture that clarifies all the parts both of female and male reproductive organs. 

Too much to learn, we know!.... but remember, the more that you know about this scientific names, the better you will know your own body. Good luck with the memorization of the parts!

martes, 3 de noviembre de 2020

 Hi! Students!:

As you can see we now have this way to improve our learning. We hope it helps you all.

You are going to find here videos, extra-activities, and notifications in relation to the contents that we are studying in the classroom. And here is the first thing:

(Lo dicho, esperamos que este recurso nos suponga una ayuda más a la hora de poder aprender sobre lo trabajado en clase, aquí va una primera propuesta)


(Click on the picture below to watch and do some exercises): 

¡OJO!: Una cuestión importante a tener en cuenta es que en ocasiones podemos encontrar las frases que forman la oración condicional completa cambiadas de orden, es decir, primero la segunda parte y después la primera, la que empieza por IF...pero, ¡ATENCIÓN!, siempre hay que mantener la estructura básica del segundo condicional, es decir, detrás del IF siempre va el pasado del verbo y en la siguiente mitad la forma con would. (Por eso en la ficha de arriba, en la tablita de recordatorio de la gramática, os explica las dos posibilidades). Es decir, nos daría lo mismo comentar:

    If I won the lottery I would buy a new house... que... I would buy a new house if I won a lottery.

 (Si me tocase la lotería, me compraría una casa nueva....o igualmente... Me compraría una casa nueva, si me tocase la lotería). Lo único que cambio es qué digo primero, pero lo digo igual.

  We are almost finishing, it´s only a final effort, just a few more work on studies and self-control and you´ll got it!.... In ARTS we are ...